Rahul Bharti - Nepal
European virtual
summer tour
Where East meets West

Rahul Bharti werd geboren in Goa, bij een Portugees-Indiaas gezin. Zijn interesse in het helpen van de medemens werd al op jonge leeftijd gewekt toen hij in aanraking kwam met "Ancient Massage". Zijn gave werd door zijn vader gezien en die maakte het voor Rahul mogelijk om onder de vleugels van verschillende spirituele leraren in Sri Lanka, India en Thailand, zijn pad te vervolgen in 'ancient healing'.
Intensieve en diepgaande trainingen hebben Rahul gevormd tot een zeer fijngevoelige therapeut.  Naast meester in Ancient massage en energy worker is Rahul ook verloskundige. Hij deelt met liefde al zijn kennis over de Ayur Veda (de wetenschap van het leven), de Vedische keuken, de werking van geneeskrachtige kruiden en hoe het lichaam optimaal gezond te houden.
Rahul leeft voor wat hij heeft geleerd. Hij heeft als missie om zijn kennis over te dragen zodat zelfliefde kan groeien en mensen meer balans in het leven kunnen vinden.
Hij heeft al vele duizenden mensen op weg mogen helpen op hun pad naar heling.
Zijn kennis en ervaring is indrukwekkend.Â
Wat vooral beklijft is zijn energie en zijn liefdevolle manier van in het leven staan.Â
Wegens de bijzondere omstandigheden biedt Rahul zijn geplande Europese zomertoer voor het eerst virtueel aan. In een unieke samenwerking met Alexander Verstaen zullen thema's zowel vanuit de Oosterse traditie als vanuit de Westerse psychologie benaderd worden.
Alexander Verstaen studeerde (Westerse) psychologie en behaalde zijn doctoraat in 1996. Een diepe, persoonlijke crisis was het begin van een zoektocht naar een integrale psychologie waarin niet alleen de Westerse psychologie een plaats heeft, maar ook de niet-Westerse tradities. Vanuit deze visie werkt hij met hulpverleners en hulpvragers in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg en de palliatieve zorg. In 2017 verscheen zijn boek "Spiritualiteit in palliatieve zorg en de lessen van mijn stervende vader."
Rahul Bharti was born in Goa to a Portuguese-Indian family. He had an extra-ordinary childhood, his interest in helping fellow human beings arose at an early age when he came into contact with "Ancient Massage". His gift was seen by his father at a young age, which made it possible for Rahul to continue his path in 'ancient healing' under the wings of various spiritual teachers in Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.
Intensive and in-depth training has turned Rahul into a very sensitive therapist. Besides being a master of Ancient massage and an energy worker, Rahul is also a midwife. He loves to share all his knowledge about Ayur Veda (the science of life), Vedic cuisine, the effect of medicinal herbs and how to keep the body optimally healthy.
Rahul lives for what he has learned. His mission is to transfer his knowledge so that self-love can grow and people can find more balance in life.
He has been able to help many thousands of people on their path to healing.
His knowledge and experience is impressive. His energy and heartful way of living life is inspiring.Â
Due to the special circumstances, Rahul will share his knowledge life from Nepal.  In an unique collaboration with Alexander Verstaen topics will be covered both from the Eastern tradition and Western psychology.
Join us in the European virtual summer tour!Â
Alexander Verstaen studied (Western) psychology and obtained his PhD in 1996. A deep, personal crisis was the start of a search for an integral psychology that includes not only Western psychology but non-Western traditions as well. Using this background he works with healthcare professionals and patients/clients in the context of mental health care and palliative care. In 2017 his book "Spirituality in palliative care and the teachings from my dying father" was published.

your energetic system
May 25th till may 29thÂ
10 am - 12 am CET
Learn how you can let energy flow, how you can anchor in your body and balance and heal yourself.
Having knowledge about how your energy works is the basis to manage it. From there you can learn to recognize and work with energetic blockages that affect you on a physical and psychological level.Â
Subjects as masculine and feminine energy, the soul, the energetic elements,... will be discussed and practiced during these classes. Â
€ 149

Self care and
how to do it
June 1
10 am - 12 am CET
Once you understand your energetic system, you heal yourself. Rahul teaches ancient healing techniques that are focussing on balancing your energetic system. Â
In stead of giving the fish, Rahul & Alexander will teach you how to fish. A meeting between east and west.Â
In combination with the theoretical background you will learn how to be in charge of your own health.Â
€ 19

burn-out and anxiety
June 2
10 am - 12 am
If you are struggling with energy problems (burnout, depressive complaints, high sensitivity, ...) and you want to live more vital or you want to learn more about your body as an energetic system, then this workshop is for you.
This workshop contains a lecture and specific exercises focused on burn-out, depression and anxiety. Â
€ 19

your energetic system
June 8th till June 12thÂ
10 am - 12 am CET
We do not only have a physical body, we have an energetic system as well. It is only when you know and understand this system that you can work with it. From there you can recognize and work with energetic blockages that affect you on a physical and psychological level. This increases your quality of life.
Topics covered will include: the chakra's, the soul, masculine and feminine energy etc.
€ 149

Self care and
how to do it
June 15
10 am - 12 am CET
Once you understand your energetic system, you can heal yourself. Rahul will teach ancient healing techniques that balance your energetic system. Â
Building further on the theoretical background from the first module, you will learn how to take full responsibility for your own energy and health.Â
€ 29

and sexuality
June 17
10 am till 12 am CET
What does it mean to love someone? What does it take from both partners to have a mature, inspiring relationship full of love? And what is the role of sexuality in all this? In some respects the Eastern view on these topics is quite different from the Western approach. Knowing about these differences can help us to become more conscious and bring our relationship to a higher level.
€ 29

The challenges of parenting and family life
June 18
10 am - 12 am CET
The role of parents in raising children is more important than ever. Children are confronted with enormous amounts of negativity through television, gaming etc. All kinds of information is available everywhere, all the time. How can we guide our children in this increasingly complex society? How can we raise them to become balanced, mature, loving adults?
€ 29

your roots
June 19
10 am - 12 am
There are big differences between Asia and Europe in the way parents and elderly people in general are being treated. In European countries a lot of elderly people reside in homes. The children have busy professional life and do not have the time to take care of their parents. But is this a good way to treat our elders? Are we not missing out on important things? What's the story in Asia and what can we learn from that?
€ 19

Back pain
and other physical issues
June 22
10 am till 12 am CET
€ 29
The physical body is the temple of our soul. Thanks to our body we can perceive the world, we can have experiences and learn from them. Our body communicates through pain and other physical symptoms and sensations. In this workshop you will learn how to read your body together with some techniques that can be helpful in treating discomfort that occurs in a lot of people (e.g. back pain).

Dancing with
the wind
June 23
10 am - 12 am CET
€ 29
A good health starts with a good immune system. To raise and keep up the immune system we need a good sleep, healthy food, a relaxed mind and movement. 'Dancing with the wind' is a gentle kind of a tai chi exercise that helps to improve your immune system and balances your energy. In this workshop we invite you to get off your chair and learn this ancient, meditative and enjoyable practice!Â

Taking care
of others: singing bowls
June 24
10 am - 12 am
€ 29
Singing bowls are not only important to heal yourself, you can do amazing things with them in helping other people.  You will learn to give an energetic massage by means of sound vibrations.
This workshop is open for people who already have a set of singing bowls. Rahul will teach several fixed sequences.